Intro: This is a personal learning project my good friend David Bokser and I have endevoured upon to have a solid rigging tool to use in our professional and personal work . A large part of my desire to do it is to really focus on rigging for a while as that looks to be the professional option for me that will afford the most remote freelance opportunities as Houston will be my home for the forseeable future and I only wanna do so many onsite gigs during the year. Bokser is a python whiz kid so it's great to be learning so much from him.
In a nutshell: At the end of the project, we'll have a tool to rig pretty much anything. Provides for different types of rig types or the arm/spine/etc
Status: In production between gigs and on them as tools become necessary for work. Started in January 2011.
Core Tools
and some examples from them
that I've written...
locMeObj(obj) - makes a locator matching it's target objects, position, rotation, and matching rotation order as well.
locMeCVsOnCurve (curve)
"""pass an object into it and get group placed at the pivots - matching translation, rotation and rotation order and grouping it under the grp if True and to the world if False """
controlSurfaceSmoothWeights (surface)
querySkinCluster (obj) - yay for python not having mel equivalencies....
returnListNoDuplicates (searchList)
Some folks have expressed an interest in the ability to donate something to contribute to the development of Morphy and/or more projects like this.